Frantisek Kupka, Wood Engraving No 1 to illustrate ‘Le Cantique des Cantiques Qui Est Sur Salomon’.Sold
Frantisek Kupka, Wood Engraving No 2 to illustrate ‘Le Cantique des Cantiques Qui Est Sur Salomon’.Sold
George Barbier – ‘Cleopatre’ – Pochoir from the series – Designs on the Dances of Vaslav NijinskySold
George Barbier – ‘L’Oiseau de Feu’ – Pochoir from the series – ‘Designs on the Dances of Vaslav NijiSold
George Barbier Pochoir of Tamara Karsavina and Vaslav Nijinsky in Cleopatra. (We have more works bySold